Our unique application of Neuromuscular Therapy along with the specific injury rehabilitation techniques are designed to maintain and increase your optimal level of functionality.
Neuromuscular Therapy
Our treatments are applied with the deep understanding of Functional Anatomy and Physiology along with the particular demands placed upon the body by the client and their specific activity. Treatments are done with the principal mandate of returning you to your desired sports activity and or work commitments with the same or an improved level of function. We will often utilise a variety of modalities such as, Myo-Neural Release, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, cross fibre frictions and deep tissue work along with tendon and nerve manipulation.
Dry needling
The usage of Dry needling and Myofascial Decompression may be used in treatments to enhance the recovery of certain myofascial and neuromuscular conditions. Dry Needling is the use of fine needles in the treatment of pain caused by Myofascial Trigger Points (MTPs). MTPs are hyper-irritable points in a muscle, often with a palpable nodule due to acute or chronic overload. Dry needling involves inserting the fine needles into the skin and then deeper into the MTP. Dry needling is proposed to work by changing the tone within the muscle, allowing it to relax. It does this through a Local Twitch Response (LTR). Here the muscle fibres in the taut band of muscle contract involuntarily. It is believed that this also helps with pain relief through the activation of endogenous opioids (the body’s natural pain relieving substances).
Myofascial Decompression (Cupping)
Myofascial Decompression (MFD), otherwise known as Cupping, is a form of soft tissue work where a pneumatic pump is used, along with plastic vacuum cups and placed on the skin to release the fascia and muscle tissue underneath. MFD is used in conjunction with movement of the body or movement of the cups during treatment to effectively break down adhesion's or scar tissue in the fascia to improve the overall range of motion